To investigate the changes of density due to pressure applied.
Hi, I'm sorry to have information on this topic.
Good day, Currently, i am simulating compaction of deformable bodies using a rigid bodies (represent as punch). Since, my aim is to reduce the mesh size on the deformable bodies, i currently use...
02 March 2019 6,237 6 View
Is there a way to define its property value? Thank you
11 December 2017 8,321 2 View
I need to develop an algorithm to find the final value of Young Modulus after get the final density of compacted metal powder. Tq
11 December 2017 352 6 View
For compaction of multi-level part. Thank you very much.
11 December 2017 767 0 View
Cannot find the word density in Abaqus. Thank you so much.
10 November 2017 8,206 1 View
related to literature
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In VUMAT subroutine
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node.inp element.inp the_model.inp
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Hi. I have already linked the Abaqus with Intel Fortran XE 2013 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 based on the given manual linked instruction. And, it is validating by the Abaqus Command showing...
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When I conducted the degassing experiment using decompression under anaerobic condition(and I used ferrous based chelating agent), the oxidized ferric were observerd. So, could you tell me the...
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We found tests to determine cardiovascular risk taking into account lipid profile, blood pressure, age, history of diabetes, other laboratories. But when weight is involved, there is a paradox. I...
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Hello, I have a mechanism where air rises due to convective flows. In this simulation, nothing is driving the air except this. I understand that the Boussinesq approximation only works for small...
02 March 2021 4,910 3 View
(This statement is from wikipedia, BTW). What is so special about metallic bond that is limiting high-P low-T state of a matter (as long as individual atoms exist, not white dwarf of neutron star...
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I am using a Sutter electrode holder for my patch clamp experiments, but I'm having trouble keeping positive pressure inside my electrode due to a leak out of the back of the holder. I have added...
02 March 2021 5,829 1 View
Hi, I am trying to figure out which test would be most appropriate to run for the following question: Is there a difference in task blood pressure between smokers and non-smokers? There are two...
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I am simulating Heat Exchanger. I have tried and tested all the methods to resolve this issue from the internet like refining mesh, improving skewness and orthogonal quality ,extending outlet to...
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Hi Guys. I'm a mechanical engineer and have a bit trouble, would be very glad if you could help me with my questions. I have a pressurized tank which contains Natural Gas at 200 Bar and 293...
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Has anyone ever tried to deliver CO2 with a CGA 300 regulator? I know that a CGA 320 regulator is standard for CO2. The issue is that I currently do not have any free CGA 320 regulators. I also...
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