Hi, it would be more useful if you mention why are you using three files if these are initial conditions for two input i know you can write it as
** --------- I N I T I A L R E F E R E N C E - M E S H D A T A ---------
*Initial conditions, Type=NODE REF COORDINATE, Input=node.inp
here node.inp contains reference configuration information.
for more u can refer manual problem
Thank you.
If the three input are for the same job, you can copy the main model twice and change the input in the two other to the remaining two input parameters. With this, you can run them simultaneously
Good day, Currently, i am simulating compaction of deformable bodies using a rigid bodies (represent as punch). Since, my aim is to reduce the mesh size on the deformable bodies, i currently use...
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Is there a way to define its property value? Thank you
11 December 2017 8,321 2 View
I need to develop an algorithm to find the final value of Young Modulus after get the final density of compacted metal powder. Tq
11 December 2017 352 6 View
For compaction of multi-level part. Thank you very much.
11 December 2017 767 0 View
Cannot find the word density in Abaqus. Thank you so much.
10 November 2017 8,206 1 View
To investigate the changes of density due to pressure applied.
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related to literature
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