This unwelcome email made it into my inbox, and since I like to keep my inbox free of unwelcome spam, I am starting a thread on this particular publisher so that I hopefully will never receive an "invitation" from this particular "publisher" again. The email has many if not all the hallmarks of a typical email sent from a predatory publisher.
Trends in Anatomy and Physiology (ISSN: 2640-7752) | DOI: 10.24966/TAP-7752 | Google Scholar| NLM ID: 101731839 | Scientific Indexing Services ID: 6732
Dear Dr (My Name),
I hope this mail finds you well.
We would like to inform you that we have sent you mail earlier, but we did not receive any response from you. So, we are taking liberty to resend this mail.
We were quite impressed with your prior work, and we believe that your contribution to the journal will help to further expand its scholarly reach.
It gives us great pleasure to ask you to contribute some interesting articles for publication in the upcoming issue to our journal Trends in Anatomy and Physiology
Submission date: March 30, 2023.
If this is a short notice, please do send short review or a short commentary (or other type of article).
Please submit your manuscript as an attachment to this mail (Contact address of the supposed journal)
Waiting for your positive response.
(Name of the supposed sender of the email, probably a fake name anyway)
Herald Scholarly Open Access