Thanks for reccomendation @Mr. Yousif. I've watch and learned youtube but i thinks thats not enough give me the steps bcs i can't find tutorial video for slope stability case like using actual slope geometry, and the command program difficult to understand for me hehe
You can go through the tutorial manuals available online to understand the basic concepts behind 3DEC distinct element modelling.
As requested: to define a basic slope model, you can follow the basic input code with a short write up for each command.
As you know, to create any numerical model we need to define the problem geometry, material properties, joint properties, zoning, boundary conditions.
;So to construct the problem domain: write an inout code as below
; This will create a block of dimensions 20m x 1m x 12m
poly brick 0 20 0 1 0 12
plot create plot Blocks
plot block
plot reset
; In order to create a slope, we need to add a joint as below (that will cut the rectangular model domain in to triangles and then hide certain region to form the desired slope.
jset dip 0 dd 180 or 0 0 2
hide range plane dip 0 dd 180 or 0 0 2 below
jset dip 45 dd 270 or 12 0 12
hide range plane dip 45 dd 270 or 12 0 12 below
jset dip 60 dd 90 or 14 0 12 spac 3.6 num 10
jset dip 20 dd 270 or 20 0 12 spac 2.2 num 10
; once we define geometry, zoning (meshing) is done using the Gen edge command as below. A zone element of 0.7m is considered here.
gen edge .7
; Once meshing is made, we need to define the properties for both joint and rock/soil, as presented below.
; Jmat -> is used to define joint properties, while mat -> will define the material for rock/soil.
change cons 2
prop mat 1 dens 2000.0
prop mat 1 bulk 1.0e8 shear 3.0e7 bcohesion 1e20
prop mat 1 bfriction 20.0 bdilation 20.0 btens 1e10
prop jmat 1 jkn 1e10 jks 1e9 jfric 30 jcoh 1e20
; Boundary coditions can be defined as below for X, Y and Z directions.
gravity 0,0 -10.0
boun zvel 0 range z 0
boun xvel 0 range z 0
boun xvel 0 range x 20
boun xvel 0 range x 0
boun yvel 0 range y 0
boun yvel 0 range y 1
damp auto
; Once geometry, properties, boundary conditions and zoning are defined, we are ready to solve the model using ‘SOLVE’ command.
; The results can be plotted using Plot functions as below.