I am working on drought analysis. I am using several indices in my study. However, I can manage to calculate Reconnaissance Drought Index on my own. Can anybody help me providing help in this regard?
You can try DrinC software (http://drinc.ewra.net).
See also the article about this software: 'DrinC: a software for drought analysis based on drought indices' (http://users.ntua.gr/ditigas/DrinC_manuscript_accepted.pdf).
But I have a time series that starts from April. Moreover, DrinC gives 4 Different series's for both SPI and RDI. I could modify the code as per my requirement if I had it.
RDI in authors aim is a yearly variable but there are some open code apps in R- project that compute SPI and PET and their ratio is a matter of few lines; a source is package SPEI under R-projectpossible
You can go to the mentioned website and download a free tool with name of MDM (Meteorological Drought Monitoring) from my paper with entitled: " Estimation of meteorological drought indices based on AgMERRA precipitation data and station-observed precipitation data".
(Article Estimation of meteorological drought indices based on AgMERR...
Also, If you need a special code you can get help from the previous email as well.