I am using the sequential Mann-Kendall test for change point detection in rainfall time series. It will be helpful for me if there is any detail explanation for this test.
Why would you need Sneyer article? The original work for Mann and Kendall may be found at: (1) Mann, H.B. 1945. Non-parametric tests against trend, Econometrica 13:163-171; and (2) Kendall, M.G. 1975. Rank Correlation Methods, 4th edition, Charles Griffin, London.
HOW TO RUN THE TEST: The step-by-step on how to engage the test may be found here: http://vsp.pnnl.gov/help/Vsample/Design_Trend_Mann_Kendall.htm
REFERENCE: See chapter 12 file attached for further reading on the subject. The author explain quite well.
TREND TEST: you are trying to do trend test. I suggest, looking into various tools for trend test. NIST handbook and website may be useful. See link. Attached is also an article on several trend tests. (see Trend).
Thanks a lot for your answer. But i need the explanation of the sequential Mann-Kendll test. This is introduced by Sneyer (1990). I have already used several tests including seqMK. But seqMK test results showing random changes. That's whyy i need a detail explanation of this test.