I agree with you. The gap between two generation and also reducing the real and close communication and ..... are happened by the digital world nowadays. It means although digitally world has many advantages but we miss many emotionally and friendly relation on the other side of the coin.
Technology affects people today in so many ways, both positive and negative. Agricultural technology allows farmers to produce more food. Medical technology gives us longer, healthier lives. Technology such as the internet, telephones, & other digital world tools help us stay in touch with people we love.
Our life has become mechanical due to the digital & electronic devices . Our mind & brain within us move far distance than our electronic devices . But human beings have become more dependent on electronic devices . It is in this line sometimes back I have submitted my publication '' Life without Internet '' for your kind perusal
Leonid V Vladimirov, I am also agreed with you that is certainly digital world somehow positively changed the world such as easy way of communication.....
Life changes fundamentally. And I would single out two main factors of influence: on young people, and on older people. Older people have to master new programs and devices just to keep up (by the way, who remembers the pagers? But I used a disc phone many years ago!) Young people were born and live with it, they instantly change their gadgets and mastering new ones - this is their life. At the same time their real communication with each other is reduced. Recently, I saw three young (very young) people standing at the airport, buried in their communicators. From time to time they came off and silently showed each other their screens, and then they quickly began to print something. At least they know how to print and read ...
In general, as it used to be good, I went to the vacantion and disconnected from everyday problems ... Now they will find me even at taiga.
Our lives are changed - in the morning from electrical appliances and computers through transport to the evening - TV, internet, computer, remote control of all activities.
I agree with you. The gap between two generation and also reducing the real and close communication and ..... are happened by the digital world nowadays. It means although digitally world has many advantages but we miss many emotionally and friendly relation on the other side of the coin.
Digital world has brought dramatic changes in the life of every one. This process is continue and we will see uncountable advancement in this field in coming years.
It has changed everybody's lives making things more efficient and fast. It has also taken away some of human capabilities like thinking and doing calculations in your head because the computer can find answers to the dumbest and easiest questions.
The digital world has changed the life of both individuals and whole communities alike. Modern world is marked by the development of the digital world.
In my early years I used the ruler. Then, IBM 360 machine came along and after that IBM and ATARI personal computers dominated my life together with the Texas instruments calculator. Finally, Internet with its antivirus have solved all my problems to the fact that I have made copies of my books and papers and put them into my Researchgate section for everyone. Life has changed dramatically towards the direction of information. I even had instructions for my pigeon from a doctor in USA. We are blessed by God in living such experiences.
Yes, for example, Internet has turned our existence upside down and has revolutionized communications, to the extent that it has become now our preferred medium of everyday communication.
Can we stay one week (not to say a day) without internet? :)
It has significantly modeled my life and my way of life. Digital life is awesome. People had moved from stone Age, bronze age, iron age, silicon age, Jet age (IT Age , Green Tech Age) and now to speed of light age. So amazing ...
Yes, technology changes people's lives. However, we do not know what will be the future effects of the impact of technology development on human life. research should help to get the answer to this question.
Of Course, technology has influenced and changed everyone's life. It has rather made things easy for human being and that is the dark side of technology. Whether you like it or hate it but you cannot ignore it :)...Happy Learning!
The digital world has changed my mind, the ways I think, read, process information. It has increased the quality of life, saving lots of time and effort. It has widened the real world for me and my perceptions of many things.
I agree with @Syed Amir Gilani. Technology can keep us from being loved. It is difficult, but it is an effort to use Technology itself to get closer to them.
Drastic changes occur in society due to digital technology. It always happen whenever new things comes will have positive and negative impact together. E.g. With the introduction of Alexa in education field especially in schools and day to day life of human being. Is Alexa will reduce the role of mother, teacher, customers, HR personals etc. ? Technology may be creating more and more psychological and health issues, but the fact is that we can't even imagine our life without digital devices.
I would like to know what is the most useful digital world for each: a) internet banking; b) e-commerce; c) search for information; or d) communications.
Hi, colleagues Vinita Jain and @Nazar Alqahwachi Thanks for the answers. In fact, it is unthinkable for someone from the 1990s the ease of contacts we have today with social networks. Not even the greatest millionaire of those tempost would have it.
Yes of course. The digital world has primarily built another virtual world and made it available to everyone. Every day we all have to do with virtual reality even though we often don't realize it. However it is necessary never to confuse the virtual world with the physical world. Moreover, the digital world has changed: language and therefore the way of thinking and operating; has changed the way we relate to others; it has canceled distances, physical and mental barriers; is teaching everyone tolerance and must be increasingly used to establish world peace.
Of course, the digital world has changed our lives completely. The immediate nature of communications, the multiple administrative procedures that we can carry out online, the great access we have to information or the possibility it gives us to exchange ideas, discuss or collaborate with geographically distant professionals, among other topics. But many of us, perhaps, because we are from previous generations, we can alternate in our personal relationships "face to face", with "virtuality". The problem may be in generations that are already children of the "digital age" and their personal relationships ...
I also have questions about the impact of the digital world on new generations. I know young people who are much more introspective and who do not take advantage of the countless opportunities to socialize.
Yes, Very much.. Digitalization is in the air!! We all are hooked to it..It's mind-blowing and flaw less.. Except that the people using it don't misuse it..
Like it or not, the digital world has had a great bearing on peoples' lives. As Germany Kent states, “In this day and age, the digital age, you can forget about a resume; you are what your social media says about you.”
Absolutely, it goes without saying. I think, GPS is a discovery of a century; AI applications in handling foreign languages speaking, grammar, translation are offering quite efficient communication without a cumbersome study of a foreign language. Hence, nations can communicate more efficiently in masses. There are many other useful and entertaining apps in communications, games, math, etc. Digital TV, computers, smartphones - it's all based on microelectronics integrated circuits (chips) having millions of active logical elements - increased level of integration and speed of operations of those circuits is a foundation of advances in the consumer electronics.