I'm using RAPD PCR and I obtained too many bands and I have 50 samples. So I found it very difficult to count the bands by the eye. It is quite difficult and very easy to make mistakes. Can you please help me to find a software to do that?
PyElph is a free software intended for that kind of analysis. It is very easy to use and you can export the binary matrix generated for further analysis using your favorite software:
Bionumerics is designed for this, and although it's a costly software, they have a free trial that you could use for this project : http://www.applied-maths.com/bionumerics
Gel Compare II is made by the same company as bionumerics and also has a free trial: http://www.applied-maths.com/gelcompar-ii. Gel analyzer is another free software, but doesn't have as many bells and whistles: http://www.gelanalyzer.com/download.html. Also, many stations used to image your gel by UV light have built in software to call and count bands... do you have access to one?
Thanks for your information. I need a free software. i did download this software PyElph, but i have a problem with uploading images. i don't know why?
Cassandra Kotter ,, No, unfortunately i have not access to such softwares