I know that it is possible to induce differentiation of C2C12 cells via serum deprivation. And there is a very good blog about it in here:


However, as per my experience, the efficiency is not always same. After differentiating with 2% Horse Serum, in some cases I observe many huge myotubes and in some cases most of the cells look pretty similar to undifferentiated cells. It seems that there are many factors affecting the efficiency of differentiation (e.g, quality of HS, media, cell confluency, and passage number).

So, I was wondering whether it would be possible to enhance the differentiation process by transfecting and inducible myogenic gene (MyoG, MyoD)?

I did not find such a report in the google. But there is a saying "It is easy to prove whether something exists, as you just need to show where it exists. But it is hard to say that something does not exists as you need to look everywhere -quite impossible- to prove it.".

Thank you in advance,

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