Sorry to drill down further down here, but what concentrations of the lyso dye did you try and were you continuously imaging for 5 mins or merely staining? The later is a concern as most dyes will become toxic if exposed to light for very long. I really appreciate the details.
I have followed the Invitrogen protocol and incubated 10nM and 20 nM concentration of lysotracker (Red DND-99) adherent cells at 37oC in a serum free medium without phenol red for
I am interested in studying the phagosome-lysosome fusion as well. We have some lysotracker (Red DND-99). The manual says incubation time upto 5 min.
Others are talking about hours of incubation.
I wonder what would be an ideal time of incubation. i will have cells on a glass slide. My questions revolve around 1) time of incubation 2) fixing or not fixing and 3) washing steps. Any comments would be appreciated. MK