There are a few University labs in the UK that do this work e.g. Prof. Richard Evershed in Chemistry at Bristol or Dr Oliver Craig in Archaeology at York. I would offer to do this myself at Bradford (Archaeological Science) but can't take any more contract work until the end of March due to other commitments. If you could let me have more details I might be able to find someone else in our Department who would like to do it - e-mail me at [email protected]. I could then send details of costs etc.
Hi Kathllen we have results from Chalcolithic and Early Bronze vessels from the southern Levant by Dvory Namdar, please write me directly to [email protected], will send you our article on ti, best wishes, ianir
Top research was developed at the K.U.Leuven (university) by the team of Prof. P.. Jacobs, Prof. Dirk De Vos and young doctoral students: Katlijne Romanus, Katrien Kimpe and most recently Jan Baeten. It was published in top journals (JAS and others). You can contact Dr. Jan Baeten at [email protected], but hurry as he will leave the university in February. You can reach Dirk Devos at [email protected]
Kathleen. Michigan State has a lab that performs this service as well. Not commercial, but academic. I can forward you the relevant information, if you have not identified anyone else.
Kathleen, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, also has such lab to conduct this kind of analysis. Please try to contact Prof Houyuan Lv (sometimes Lu, at: [email protected]) or people in his group, if you are available in China someday. Best, Junhu