Hi everyone,

I have been facing problems with inconsistent results with LAMP. I ran LAMP on a lot of samples today, and included 3 blanks. One of the blanks amplified. Some samples that were meant to be negative also amplified. All my positive controls amplified properly though.

Previously I ran LAMP with the same protocol, reagents, primers, basically same everything on DNA templates other than the template with the target DNA, and some blanks, just to make sure none of my reagents or pipettes were contaminated. Nothing amplified then, which is good.

I make the LAMP mix in a different room, add template DNA in another room, and run the gel and add dye in a third room. LAMP products never come in contact with the first two rooms. I use filter tips for making the master mix and also for adding template DNA all the time. I always turn on a UV light on the work benches after I'm done with everything. I try to rule out contamination as much as I can, with like often changing gloves, opening the tube caps carefully when doing the gel and adding dye, etc.

I did notice a difference between the ladder pattern in positive and negative lane in the gel though. The ladder patterns between the positive control and negative is distinctly different (see picture below). Is it possible that it's my primers amplifying?

My primer sequence:


B3         TAAGTGTGCCGACTAGGG         



My LAMP is based on a 25 ul reaction with 2.5 ul 10x Isothermal Buffer (BioLabs), 8mM MgSO4 (6mM + 2mM from the buffer), 1M Betaine, 1.4 mM dNTP mix (10mM each), 40uM of each FIP and BIP, 5 uM of each F3 and B3, and 8U Bst Polymerase (BioLabs), 2 ul template DNA, and molecular grade water.

If anyone has faced the same problems and or know the cause and solution, I would really appreciate some help. Please email me at [email protected]. Thanks!

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