I'm trying to find a great couple of antibodies to use in an immunofluorescence experiment to study the localization of proteins....thanks to anybody would help...
I have done nice IF stainings with Flag and various other proteins of interest using a 488 and 549 combination. With this I have no bleed through in the channals when using a short bandpass for 488 (500-550) and a long bandpass for 549.
The primary antibody that I used for flag was this one: Flag antibodies (DYKDDDDK Tag Antibody cell signaling #2368) (1:300-1:500 under my IF condition - with 3%PF and 0,1% saponin permabilization).
For the secondary antibodys I used either Dylight 488 Rb or Alexa 549 Rb - together with either Dylight 488 Mo or Dylight 549 Mo. If the Flag-construct have good expression it stains well with both the red and green staining, if it's only moderately expressed I would go for flag 488 and do the costaining with 549