Dear Gromacs Experts

I am currently doing the gromacs tutorial for simulation of membrane protein (KALP15 in DPPC by Justin A. Lemkul). I came across several challenges most of which I could resolve. However, the result after solvation wasn't as expected. That is, a small portion of the DPPC bilayer was out of the solvation box and also the the water was no distributed over the system as mentioned in tutorial (or atleast it wasn't observable in VMD). I have done just as in the tutorial. I have no clue why the bilayer went outside the solvation box since i followed and executed just as mentioned in the tutorial. I suspect the later issue, that is, the distribution of water all over the system could be due to the step in which the changing of the value of C from 0.15 to 0.375 in vdwradii.dat wasn't effective.

My questions are:

1. Are the other membrane protein simulations available. Perhaps more comprehensive ones?

2. After changing the value of C to 0.375 in the vdwradii.dat file at the working directory, should i copy the vdwradii.dat to /home/..../gromacs/top directory (where the file was originally located)?

3. The tutorial mentioned " Placing the new gromos53a6_lipid.ff directory in $GMXLIB will allow you to use this force field system-wide." I am unable to locate 'GMXLIB'. Does GMXLIB refer to the directory in which the forcefield files (eg. ffnonbonded.ipt) were located or should i create a GMXLIB directory.

The problems seems trivial however I am unable to proceed beyond solvation. Kindly give suggestions.



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