General Relativity. Can the strength of gravity reduce for dense masses?

New discussion

Is there anything in Einstein’s Field Equations that allows the strength of gravity to reduce for regions of high mass/radius ratio? It could be desirable for two reasons.

Reason 1) From Newtonian considerations. The flatness problem is equivalent to (for each mass m).

mc^2-GMm/R=0 (1)

G=Rc^2/M (2)

Where M and R represent the mass and radius of the rest of the universe up to the Hubble radius. Small numerical constants omitted for simplicity.

For a larger mass, with the self-potential energy term included

mc^2-GMm/R-(Gm^2)/r=0 (3)

r is the radius of mass m , leading to

G_reduced = c^2/(M/R+m/r) = G/(1+Gm/(rc^2 )) (4)

i.e. a reduction in G for masses of high m/r ratio, approaching c^2/G

Reason 2)

It would allow bounces or explosions form galactic centres and avoid a situation of infinite density and pressure. It could account for the ‘foam’ like large scale structure.

It's part of a new cosmology

that predicts an apparent omega(m) of between 0.25 and 0.333 and matches supernovae data without a cosmological constant.

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