
I am doing a gel shift assay to confirm that my recombinant protein will bind to DNA in vitro. I am using my rBAF180 and miniprepped pET30 vectors. I have tried undigested and digested DNA.

The results I am getting are somewhat puzzling. I know the concept is that DNA:protein complexes migrate slower than free DNA, but what I seem to be finding is that the DNA:protein complex is migrating faster. I've looked it up and it appears (according to Fisher website) that if the DNA is circular, the DNA:protein complex can move faster than free DNA.

The first gel I attached is the undigested DNA (in this case pET30b). The second and third gels are EcoRI digested pET30a/b (but it is possible that these digests were not complete). Each of these experiments were set up individually and all used different DNA minipreps. 

Can anyone help me with the interpretation of these results? I think that the DNA must be circular and the protein bound to it is migrating faster. Does anyone have any different suggestions?

Thank you!

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