Hello everyone,

I am a very new user of MrBayes 3.2. Please help with my doubt.

I have constructed a phylogenetic tree of 43 sequences using MEGA and MrBayes. I have attached both the files here. I am getting a correct tree pattern in MEGA_Neighour joining.nwk tree file as expected. But in MrBayes.con.tre tree, Rabbit_CXCL1 and Rabbit_CXCL2 are seperated from the entire tree, even though the nucleotide sequences of those two are not so different than rest of the sequences. I want a MrBayes tree with those two sequences incorporated. So, apart from .con.tre, can I use some other tree from MrBayes output file?

There are many trees in .t file. Can I choose any one among them? Or is there a particular criteria to select one?

Thank you in advance.



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