In astronomical data analysis IRAF, Dolphot and Daophot are popular software packages but they are used for Linux distribution. If for Windows which software or programs are used for data reduction and analysis?
The software stack for astronomy is pretty fragmented, with each telescope having its own recommended software, though in practice IRAF is a common choice. On the other hand, some telescope+instrument combinations have specially made software written to handle the reduction of raw frames to calibrated science frame, and in those cases using it is probably the only realistic choice.
If what you will be working with is already calibrated fits files you can make do with any language that can read them and has good matrix handling capabilities: python + numpy being a popular choice for astronomers, used with some library (like pyfits) to read fits files. Someone out there probably does their astronomy in matlab/octave, and I know people use IDL too.
Personally I recommend simply getting used to working on linux, but you are probably best off with whatever option you can get the most help with at where you will be working (though learn linux regardless).