When we code research of any kind (qualitative or quantitative) using thematic analysis, should we code every section of the research or just 'abstract' and 'findings' or just 'findings'?
Normally thematic analysis can be used for qualitative researches. You can mention the selected themes and codes under the methodology part and state that you are going to use the thematic analysis, first level or second level coding approach for your research. Then you can do the analysis under each theme and code in the findings and discussion part of your research. You can refer the below papers for your further understanding.
Article Living With Breast Cancer; Sri Lankan Rural Women’s Reflexiv...
Article Reflexive Responses to Social Challenges among Rural Breast ...
I am not entirely clear about what you are doing. It sounds like you are doing a content analysis where the "cases" are journal articles, and you are trying to determine which sections of the articles to code. If so, that depends on your research question.
It depends on the objectives of your research. If you are looking at methodological issues in published papers, your focus will be on the methods section. But if you are interested in the findings, your will code the results of published studies. T
Usually thematic analysis is used for qualitative data. we gather data, code them and place them under a theme. it is the data that collected need to be analyzed.
My research was a mixed methods research in which i applied thematic analysis in the qualitative part of the research. From your research objectives, guided by the literature review, themes which are relevant to your study are identified. In the methodology, you state and explain why, how and when you will apply the thematic analysis and state what it hopes to achieve. After the collection of the data, you code the data into themes while infering to other studies. In the discussion part you draw conclusions based on previous studies and you state your position in the literature in relation to a particular theme.
The data collected from the research participants such as responses of interview/questionniares ( if mixed method is employed) for data collection is been transcribed and then coded. The themes are then identified from the codes, I did the same for my qualitative research.
Thematic analysis is usually conducted on the data (transcripts, audio, video, image) collected for the research you are undertaking. Coding can be based on the data and may be top-down (preset coding categories) or bottom-up (coding derived from familiarity with the data. The type of coding may be one of many forms - descriptive, In Vivo, emotion, values - depending on what you want to identify.
If you are conducting thematic analysis as part of a literature review your coding should be based on your research questions (i.e. top-down) so that you can be sure the analysis is relevant.
As for which parts of the research you should code, that is dependent on the nature of your questions. Are you wanting to evaluate the various methods used (methodology), evaluate the findings from a range of research (methodology, analysis and findings) or the theoretical perspectives used and their relevance (introduction and discussion)?
Coding in thematic analysis is usually conducted when organizing qualitative data to identify common themes. Data may be in the form of interview data or transcripts. Coding is often carried out on raw data during data analysis.
Actually, it is based on the nature of your study. if it is a grounded theory (inductive method), so you'll display the findings based on themes by using thematic analysis approach . if it is your study deductive , so you'll use thematic analysis in earlier stage in the literature chapter to identify predeterminate themes , also in your the findings chapter . In all case you must explain and justify the chosen method in your methodology chapter.
when using thematic analysis to code a research study, it is best to code all relevant sections of the study to ensure that all important themes are identified and analyzed. Hence, most of the researchers used the code on the results.
In thematic analysis, the data that is analyzed is the qualitative data that is collected from the research participants. This data can include interview transcripts, focus group transcripts, and other qualitative data sources.
From your Q , i understand that your applying thematic analysis to published researches in an area. i.e published articles are your 'data'. you are probably interested in the 'theme' of those research works. in that case u will probably apply thematic analysis to introduction ,methods ( objectives of the study would probably be most important for you) and results/discussion parts of the article. the review of literature part may not be important, as those will be studied by you directly by reading those articles.