12 December 2010 43 3K Report

This group was started to provide meaningful exchange between serious philosophers and researchers in other scientific fields (I actually managed to write that with a straight face).

You'll probably be looking for the "no commentary" thread. Well, I was reminded that certain kinds of exchange are contrary to RG policy... there's nothing wrong with a bit of savagery when discussing widely differing accounts of this or that phenomenon (after all, we ARE philosophers), and irony, sarcasm, and satire have always been among the philosopher's preferred tools of debate....

BUT over the last 24 hours the exchanges in the deleted thread have ceased to have anything whatsoever to do with philosophical exchange and have become increasingly personal. Acting in coordination with the second longest-serving superadmin, I therefore considered it best to draw a veil over the exchange.

ON A MORE GENERAL POINT: from a general look at RG, it seems that the hard science groups have an implicit policy of ignoring postings by pseudoscientists, crackpots & the like. They also have a policy of ignoring irrelevant postings. Unfortunately, the lack of any general philosophical culture and the weight of popular misconception about philosophy is such that we can no longer allow a similar policy in this group. While striving to maintain a place for the 'philosophically unsophisticated' we will, in future, indicate those comments that are pseudophilosophical or irrelevant and take whatever further action is necessary.

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