12 December 2009 25 8K Report

Here's a characteristic Shekeris bombshell remark:

"the same [that we have no reason for accepting epistemic justification by authority alone] could be said at least about science as an epistemic system, or most probably any other system. so i don't see a way out, and one that would single out any other epistemic system than religion. i welcome suggestions"


In his remark, Haris is addressing two intertwined problems that have been in the background of much recent discussion both in this group and the specialist group on scientific naturalism. To get the ball rolling, I'll generalise the problematics in Haris' remarks:

1. The first problem concerns 'authority' as a source of epistemic justification (that is, whether we are justified in forming beliefs about the world on the basis of what some 'authority' says about the world). Here, the immediate points which require clarification are

1.1 What is an 'authority', and how is it constituted? How does it operate, and by what criteria does it justify its role in the process of "forming beliefs"?

1.2 What is the status of beliefs formed by appeal to or application of authority? Do such beliefs concern "things in the world", or do they rather concern the authority itself? (and is this the distinction between "believe that" and "believe in"?)

2. The second problem is implicit in Haris' remark "the same could be said at least about science as an epistemic system". This is the epistemological counterpart of our various discussions on the metaphysical status of science, and primarily concerns whether there is any justification for granting "preferred" or "privileged" epistemic status to science. The more general problem can be given as

2.1 Can any epistemic system claim a "privileged" status?

2.2 Can any epistemic system claim to be "universal"?

For my money, any answer we might give will probably relate the notion of 'authority' to that of 'universality'.

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