Does normalizing observed variables (i.e. bringing them to zero mean and unit variance) influence the fit statistics in SEM? I am running maximum likelihood confirmatory factor analysis with Satorra_Bentler Correction for the measurement model. SB RMSEA is 0.042 (non corrected RMSEA is 0.055) and SRMR is 0.056 which with a sample size of 267 signal good model fit (Hu & Bentler, 1998, 1999) but my SB CFI is 0.92 (non corrected CFI is 0.896) and SB TLI is 0.906 (uncorrected value is 0.877). The latter two values remain under the 0.95 treshold. I'm looking for ways to improve model fit. Already looked at MIs and nothing can be changed. Any suggestions? Can normalization of the observed variables help? Can you direct me to any readings relevant to this question? Thank you for your answers.

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