I want to obtain the natural frequencies of a benchmark truss which is famously known as the ten-bar planar truss. It consists of 10 truss members and 6 nodes. Two nodes are its supports and other four nodes are free nodes. The modulus elasticity is 6.89e10 and the added non-structural mass to the free nodes is 454 kg. Fig 1 shows the schematic of the truss and the obtained cross-section areas of this problem is listed in Fig 2. This figure also lists the natural frequencies obtained by different trusses. I tried to simulate the truss obtained by MC-TLBO which is listed in the last column but I faced a problem:

I didn’t reach the natural frequency in the literature and my model resulted in omega^2=1.575894e+04 and f=(omega/(2*pi))=19.98 Hz. It’s notable that I added some negligible massed on the other degree of freedom of the nodes according to OpenSEES official examples to obtain other natural frequencies.

The figures are referred from the [1] and The Tcl model is attached by myself (The units are in SI).

Any comment will be appreciated and thanks in advance for your time.


[1] Farshchin, M., C. V. Camp, and M. Maniat. "Multi-class teaching–learning-based optimization for truss design with frequency constraints." Engineering Structures 106 (2016): 355-369.

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