Dear Pete, the maximal size of clear-cut in Czech Republic is 1 hectare, resp. 2 hectares in special cases of forest site conditions. Moreover, there is restriction about maximal width (up to twice the height of the surrounding forest stand) of clear-cut in the Czech Republic. The adjacency constraints can be defined only by “buffer” type in which the width of the buffer must be at least equal to the one height of the surrounding forest stand. The similar rules are applied also in the Slovak Republic.
In Canada, forest legislation changes from one province to another. In the Quebec province, maximum block size allowed on public land is related to block size distributions that change depending on the forest type -,%20r.%207?code=se:74&pointInTime=20160718#20160718. Harvest blocks need to be agglomerated into operating areas in the boreal forest - (on page 84 of the following report that also may be useful to answer your question - Block size restictrion on private land may vary depending on specific municipal legislation.
In NB, clearcut blocks can be quite large. 100 hectares, and 5 years greenup delay. there are some details: small patches are required to be left in clearcuts. In areas where the disturbance regime is stand-replacing, clearcuts are to be 80 - 125 ha in order to promote large patches. At one time there was a minimum buffer width between clearcuts, but I'm not sure if that requirement remains.