08 February 2023 0 309 Report

Hi everyone,

I'm doing research on eye tracking on childeren with Developmental Coordination Disorder. I need an eyetracker that can track the pupil in the far corners of the eye whilst not blocking vision. In addition I'd like pupil diameter and the frequency high enough to identify blinking.

I have worked with the Tobii pro glasses 3 and am wondering if other eyetrackers provide a wider range. I already found these but i'm interested in new suggestions aswell.

Argus Science ETVision

Pupil Labs Neon

Positive Science Ultra Flex

Smart Eye Pro

Ergoneers DKablis glasses 3

Eyelink 1000 plus

Viewpointsystem VPS 19

Some user experiances would be super helpfull. Thanks in advance.

Kind regards,


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