I'm using multistate occupancy model to analyse my data, trying to understand how landuse effect the occupancy probability.
the best model for detection is the below one
{ Psi1(~sub + con + shrub + plantation + construct + sub:construct +sub:plantation)Psi2(~1)p1(~1)p2(~1)Delta(~close) }
"sub" is subtropical forest, "con" is coniferous forest and so on , the dataset is the proportion of each type of landuse in grids, then I get the coefficient for those covarites, showing below:
1:Psi1:(Intercept) -3706.8854 0.9012252E-009 -3706.8854 -3706.8854
2:Psi1:sub -654.81220 0.7630807E-008 -654.81220 -654.81220
3:Psi1:con 37601.733 0.4615345E-010 37601.733 37601.733
4:Psi1:shrub -11756.819 0.2821552E-009 -11756.819 -11756.819
5:Psi1:plantation 6067.7467 0.2978992E-009 6067.7467 6067.7467
6:Psi1:construct -19442.420 0.9439784E-010 -19442.420 -19442.420
7:Psi1:sub:construct 1857.6866 0.3038425E-010 1857.6866 1857.6866
8:Psi1:sub:plantation 37765.470 0.4314373E-010 37765.470 37765.470
9:Psi2:(Intercept) -0.1805901 0.4334897 -1.0302299 0.6690497
the coefficients seems extremely large for Psi1 and the confidence interval is extremely narrow, what's the matter of this result?