I'm trying to clean up an antibody from a serum sample. For this I have the Melon Gel Purification Kit. Has anyone ever used this one?

So I worked my way through the protocol given by the kit.

2 things I was wondering about:

1.) When I put the gel on the column, I used a 1000µL tip and it looked like it was fine. In the manual they say use a "wide bore or cut tip". Is this point important for the efficiancy?

2.) I put the gel on the column and spin it for 1 min. But the gel comes out of the centrifugation-step in a sloped way, because of the centrifugation of course. Doesn't this make the filter-effect of the gel inefficient? Like the one side is very thick and filters a lot of the serum-parts and the other part of the gel is very thin and filters less serum parts?

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