Are emotions and cognition( higher order executive functions) a subset of experience?i.e experience entails emotional content and cognitive processes (like memory LT/ST, associations etc.)
Emotions and cognition give rise to an experience?
The subjective experience of emotion: a fearful view February 2018 · Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 19:67-72 DOI: · 10.1016/j.cobeha.2017.09.011 Joseph LedouxJoseph Ledoux · Stefan G HofmannStefan G Hofmann
Izard (2007) describes emotion as being an essential component of ALL conscious experience. Emotions are not "triggered" but omnipresent and "modulated" by situational factors. Berridge and Kringlebach (2008) provide a neuroscience architecture consistent with this view wherein all experience and memories of same are "tagged" with an affective value (e.g., "liking") and an incentive value ("wanting") as well as informative associations. Given this framework, the subtle two-way causative relationships between cognition (decision-making) and emotion become easily anticipated.
The two papers cited above have strongly shaped my personal thinking about the nature of human emotion.
Izard, CE (2007). Basic emotions, natural kinds, emotion schemas, and a new paradigm. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 2(3), 260-280.
Berridge, KC & Kringelbach, ML (2008). Affective neuroscience of pleasure: reward in humans and animals. Psychopharmacology, 199,457-480.