Exopolysaccharide/EPS/Extracellular polysaccharide VS Endopolysaccharide/IPS/Intracellular polysaccharide from fungal mycelia have been extensively studied using numerous methods. What do you think is the best way to extract them?
1. EPS --- supernatant + washed mycelium [EPS is water-soluble as the EPS coats the mycelium]
2. EPS ---- supernatant only [EPS is dispersed in the liquid culture]
3. IPS ----- mycelial extract only [IPS is located inside the mycelium]
4. IPS ----- mycelial extract only (unwashed mycelium) [polysaccharide coating the mycelium belongs to IPS]
Questions: Water-soluble polysaccharide coating the mycelium belongs to EPS or IPS?
Reason A: It belongs to EPS as it is water-soluble
Reason B: It belongs to IPS as it coats the mycelium which considers as one source
Your expert opinions are highly appreciated.
Thank you
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