Hello everybody!

I have performed an acidic MeOH:HCl 1% (v/v) plant extraction from Arabidopsis leaves to calculate Anthocyanins concentrations based on:

Rabino, I., and Mancinelli, A. L. 1986. Light, temperature, and anthocyanin production. Plant Physiol. 81:922-924.

I want to calculate also Chl a, Chl b and Carotenoids concentrations from this acidic methanolic extraction. So far, I have only found 100% MeOH equations to calculate concentrations of these pigments, separately, but not a single reference to calculate them from a MeOH:HCl 1% (v/v) plant extract.

I have read that "A657 values provide an estimate of Chl content" (Photoregulation of Anthocyanin Synthesis' VIII. EFFECT OF LIGHT PRETREATMENTS, Mancinelli, 1983), but I would like to have a more precise value for Chl a, Chl b, and carotenoids also, if possible.

I have recorded measurements of wavelengths between 300-700 nm.

I would be grateful if anyone helps me with that.

Thank you all!

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