Being an young researcher my suggestion is try to publish an article in reputed journal with high impact factor above 5... And try with some scopus indexed journals. It may take time's but it speaks more about the quality of the research and it has a global visibilities... Increase your H index
Indeed strive to publish in the journal that fits the subject best - regardless of the value of the impact factor. Speaking from experience of more than 100 papers, it's better to publish in a rather good journal, than to not be able to publish at all because you aim too high. The Impact Factor is NOT THAT IMPORTANT.
Being the researcher , almost all the papers must be publish only in SCI journal..This helps much attention in international level and recognization...Non indexed journal s some times never check your paper for good quality aspects..Therefore.Pls avoid the non indexed journal..
I am also a PhD student, and with my experience of three years I suggest you to try to get your work published in SCI indexed journals. If, not at least the journal should be scopus indexed. It would be helpful in getting jobs after the PhD.
According to the previous advices, and as general suggestion, I recommend you to publish in indexed journals with impact factor (as high as possible). Sometime, this choice is not optional, I mean, sometime is the same Doctorate School (through the advisory board) that set a minimum of publications in indexed journals as pre-requirement for the PhD student to apply for the final exam.
I'm member of PhD School advisory board of my Department at University of Salerno (Italy), coordinator of the "International PhD School on Advanced Oxidation processes" (, and I have been member of evaluation committee of several PhD students (in different Countries) and the most important criterium to evaluate a PhD candidate (in my area of expertise which "environmental science and technology") is the number of publications in indexed journals and their scientific relevance/quality (also evaluated through the impact factor of the journal).
Moreover, If your plan is to apply for a post-doc position after you will successfully defend your PhD thesis, typically publications in indexed journals with high impact factor are highly appreciated by evaluation committee.
Publishing in an unindexed journal is not a better option, especially when you can do better. The publication of an article in an unindexed journal would somehow reflect the poor quality of the doctoral student's thesis or that the doctoral student does not plan to pursue a career in research.