Dear all,

Our Special Issue in Ecosystem Services Journal (ELSEVIER) is growing very nicely, with interesting contributions from a broad scope of disciplines. We believe that it will be a nice contribution for articulating the Ecosystem Services framework and land management for putting the ES into practice!

The aim of this Special Issue is to present novel approaches to implement ecosystem service frameworks putting them into practice towards sustainable land management. This could be by coupling ecosystem services with land use change models, stakeholder approaches to introduce newly developed tools and to address user needs and requests regarding the future course of assessment tools and development of indicators.

We will receive manuscripts until 15 of June. As editorial team we would like to warmly invite you to join our SI. Here is the link with the full description. Please feel cordially invited to contact me at this email account in case of need or further questions ([email protected]).

Looking forward to your contribution!


Luis, Hannes, Li, Brian and Inge

The Guest Editors

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