I am writing to kindly invite you to join our ELI (European Land-Use Intitute) special session on urban planning in the next WMCAUS conference, to be held in Prague between 13-17 June 2016. Here is the conference link:


The conference offers the possibility to publish the full paper in the Procedia Engineering - Journal - Elsevier (which is indexed in ISI WOS, SCOPUS, etc.) after their review. Abstract submission deadline is due on 28 of March.

Our session attempts to discuss new theories and methods for urban planning, including some of the following topics (not restricted to):

Urban Planning

Theories and Methods,

Regional Planning

Sustainable Urban Development

GIS-Based Modelling for Mitigation Planning

Sustainability in the Built Environment,

If you are interested I would be happy to give you more details. Please feel warmly invited to contact me at this email address: [email protected]. Please help us in promoting our session among your networks.

Kind Regards,



Dr. Luis Inostroza

Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

Technische Universität Dresden

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