04 December 2023 3 576 Report


Can anyone tell what could be the reason to get completely opposite Cts value in 2 different qPCR with same qPCR components?

I was testing a certain primer on different tissues, first time i TurboDNAse treated on 1ug of extracted RNA then made 10ul of CDNA with 0.5ug treated RNA and run qPCR 10ul of reaction

I got CT values pretty high (28-38) except in one tissue where it was around 22Ct.

Second time i wanted to run with reference gene, so i remade cDNA with 0.5ug but with 20ul of cDNA reaction and ran with a bit different cycling conditions.

And i got pretty low CT around 8-12 except the same tissue which had 22 Ct in previous run had Ct 33. So, it was just opposite results.

Can anyone has any idea why it can be?


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