Does TON in catalysis have any units? I have seen overlap of TOF and TON (TOF=TON/t), but papers seem to be using s-1 for both. I will be grateful if anybody can shed light on a proper discrimination between the two...
I believe that here we can consider 2 options to explain: 1. TON refers to the absolute total number of turns (in this case, the value of TON must be dimensionless). The TOF corresponds to the frequency (number of revolutions per second according to the formula TOF=TON/t); 2. TON means the number of revolutions per time unit (in this case per second, i.e. the frequency) and has the unit of s^-1. Then, respectively, the TOF will denote angular velocity (circular frequency), expressed in radians per second, i.e. TOF = 2pi*TON [rad/s, or s^-1 too]), I can give a more reasoned answer after meeting with the proposed article.