Hi everyone!

After RNA extraction from soil with a kit, I have good concentrations and ratios with nanodrop.

I wanted to quickly check the quality on gel. Bleach gel doesn't work for me (even ladder doesn't migrate), so I tried another "Quick and Dirty" protocol by running my samples on a regular non-denaturing TBE 1% agarose gel after 7 min at 65°C.

I know the ideal way is to run a denaturing gel, but for those who do the fast and easy way like this, do those RNA look good in these conditions? Is the light smear acceptable? is it normal that the lower bands are equally bright?

The ladder is DNA with the two lower bands being 500bp and 1kb, do you usually have RNA that appears so small ? (I know I should not trust the ladder since it is in non-denaturing conditions and the ladder is DNA versus RNA samples).

I would say it is OK, but I don't have any reference.

And I guess upper band is genomic DNA?


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