Increasing the health literacy can be of importance in popular people. some people are worying about their uncontrolled appetite. then, if a logical reaults aquired, it can have motivational effects.
For starters, you cannot measure anything by questionnaires - too much subjectivity! Ask an obese person how much he/she eats, the answer is invariably going to be not too much but something must be wrong with my metabolism!
Perhaps I do not quite follow how reinventing the wheel will be helpful to your subjects. Benefits of exercise combined with properly balanced nutritious diet (granted that some would disagree as what it is) has been known for decades. I am not sure if things are drastically different in your area about what we consider common knowledge. But even if that's true, a large body of literature already exists for you directly goo to your second step - educating the populace!
Majority of overeating related unhealthy people I know are not that way because they do not know how to improve their health, they simply find it exceedingly difficult to make substantial changes in their life-style, which is necessary to improve their health.
According to new research emotional eating and "partying" personality are these who overeat. Physical activity is not likely to impact much on the appetite for those with an eating pathology.
in my opinion, physical activity can play the main role in regulating the appetite hormones such as gherlin and leptin. so, overeating is not exclusively related to emotional disorders.