I know its not my field of expertise to talk about, but I came across two very interesting questions and I couldn't get a good answer for it. Can anyone tell me if "Heat" affects "Gravity"?

My second question can be better explained with the following example:-

If two objects of different temperatures are brought in contact, heat transfers till it reaches equilibrium or the same temperature. But in this process, some heat is also lost in the environment (air, which is a matter). So its not a 100% equilibrium to the actual sum total of the  real temperatures in the two objects. The escaped heat then disturbs another 100% equilibrium and so on.  So the heat is destabilizing the actual equilibrium. So the entropy is affected by temperature transfer. If matter in the universe is constant, then all in it must have already existed and is only shifting state or place or form. The heat,sound, light, and other different types of matter are a part of the already existing Universe. So the over all Universe is actually in a state of equilibrium. Everything in it, remains inside it! If its so, then Universe as a whole must be in a thermodynamic equilibrium. Would this lead to maximum entropy and the stability would seize everything from working? Does anything goes out of a Universe? Can the Universe loose matter? Can matter disappear and create void space? Can heat be the cause for our Universe to work? If the "Big Bang" created the Universe, then the Universe when created must have lost energy in the explosion and condensation may not be containing 100% energy created. Matter changed state and formed different types of matter, which lead to heat formation. So can we conclude that final product is "Heat" from the formation of Universe. And it is entering different systems and destabilize the equilibrium of a system. Can this result in decrease in entropy and thus Universe keeps changing within itself. 

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