I am trying to see whether my data from 45 stands of pedunculate oak (Σ=1120 individuals) are structured. Using STRUCTURE and BAPS, I could not get any strong evidence about genetic structure (maybe only some vague hints; see previous question).
After recommendations of you, I carried out a DPCA (discriminant analysis of principal components using the adegenet package in R). The BIC vs. K diagram suggests K=7, although it's suspicious how small differences in BIC among different values of K are. The scatterplot looks nice and suggests subdivision, I think, although overlapping is also present. On the other hand, a bar plot of membership proportion does not reveal any recognizable pattern. All seven clusters are more or less equally represented in each population.
Here is a link with diagrams (membership proportion is shown only in one example population, but others look similarly): https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B41pt4LUC4K3S2xnUXFsaWRHanM&usp=sharing
I'm not experienced in this method. Can anyone have a look and tell me her/his opinion whether (1) the method indeed suggests genetic structure, (2) whether also other K values should be used.
By the way, I followed the instructions from the manual to decide about the number of principal components used: 500 for "find.clusters" and 200 for "dapc", "to avoid over fitting".
Thanks in advance for your help.