Zootaxa is indexed with SCI (hence has an impact factor) and should publish checklists. Zookeys also indexed with SCI and may consider checklists. http://www.checklist.org.br/ offers free open access publication (not SCI-indexed).
Zootaxa and Zookeys are two good journals that are pretty widely read, especially by systematic entomologists. Both are rapid-publishers of biodiversity data and checklists. Zootaxa is free to publish in, while there is a small fee for open-access, whereas Zookeys has a mandatory open access submission fee of 300 Euros for papers under 20 pages.
RE: Isidor Plonski's answer above, Biodiversity Data Journal is more for raw data than annotated lists.
+1 to @Nathaniel F. Shoobs's reply, except for that Biodiversity Data Journal is *not* only for raw data and it does publish taxonomic work including checklists. It's aim is to better integrate primary data with the dependent studies such as taxonomic and ecological research