I work with GPS tracking solutions for birds and know that our GPS tags are coming down in size very quickly; we are now supplying 1g GPS tags for Birds. I am not sure what the progress is for small mammals thought but I can find out, or put you in contact with someone who knows the latest news, if you would like?
If you send an e-mail to myself, [email protected], i can pass you on to my colleagues who have the latest information in the small mammal GPS collars.
I guess you recover the devices. Then consider exploring the I-GotU, a small, cheap (U$S 50) and good GPS originally designed for trekkers. You can made a cover to protect it find the way to deploy them in a small mammal. Our group used them with coromorants and worked well.
I would have checked out Sirtrack, New Zealand. There are other companies using post processing and differential GPS that were close two years ago that are worth checking with. My email is d dot nicholls at chisholm dot edu dot au if anyone wants to follow up. I do not have contact information on me.
I have used the I-GotU GPS and they work very well and are really cheap compared to other companies. I have also heard very good things about Biotrack. At the time of my study i contacted Biotrack and they didn't do very light weight GPS but i looks as though they do now.
For wildcats (Felis silvestris), I use collars of 90 gram of E-obs. They use with GPS-UHS, searching with a pinger signal and downlaoding with a basestation. You can add a braeking point of leather. They works real good!
For wild cats, the battery is an A-cell. You can ask to use a smaller battery for less weight.
Better some more money for good equipment that works good, than have poor equipment for a little bit lesser money...