5 Questions 17 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Damian Stuart Morrant
I wish to purchase a smartphone-compatible microscope, primarily for counting scales on small lizards, identifying invertebrates etc. A low magnification capability (e.g. 5 or 10x) is more...
31 December 2018 2,983 4 View
I'd appreciate advice about acoustic recorders for undertaking surveys for a range of taxa, particularly birds, frogs and microbats (i.e. audible and ultrasonic). The units will be left in situ...
16 October 2017 4,093 15 View
I've measured stable C and N isotopes in sequential segments of dingo vibrissae, and hope to determine whether there are any seasonal patterns in their diet. To really do this analysis justice I...
21 August 2014 2,892 3 View
I'm trying to determine the most likely set of dingo prey, from stable isotope data from dingoes and their prey, using Bayesian Mixing Models. I need to perform a k nearest-neighbor randomization...
11 August 2014 1,501 11 View
I'm seeking papers which describe situations in which predators were perceived by people to pose a greater conservation threat than they actually did, and where subsequent lethal control actually...
01 May 2014 8,934 6 View