S-1 seems to be seriously useful against a variety of tumors, & my remote research at Yale, on 5-azaorotic acid (pyrimidine antimetabolite, which he calls "Oxo") was cited in Shirakawa's original paper (misspelling my name "Grant" in the text, but correctly as "Granat" in the reference).
We had given it IV; he incorporated it as PO, leading to significant diminution of the side-effects of 5-FU.
I think we need that oral drug here in the US, for gastric & pancreatic cancer; & probably for colon, although it's fairly equivalent to Xeloda.
I did not continue in research or oncology, but became a practicing Family Physician, still in Private Practice, but very interested in what has become of my humble research years ago. And I have patients who I believe could benefit from the advantages of S-1.
I would especially like to hear from any of the Japanese original researchers.
Pepi Granat, MD
Pepi Granat, MD