I am doing a collation of factors that promote corruption/integrity violation at the local government level. Any document on these would be much appreciated. Thanks
Here's a good comparative study on corruption across many countries and the ways in which decentralization reforms may influence its likelihood of occurring:
Fisman, Raymond, and Roberta Gatti. "Decentralization and corruption: evidence across countries." Journal of Public Economics 83.3 (2002): 325-345.
They find that "fiscal decentralization in government expenditure is strongly and significantly associated with lower corruption; these results persist when decentralization is instrumented for by the origin of a country’s legal system" (p325).
we have started a new editorial project "Corruption in public administration: an ethnographic approach" that includes 9 case studies from the world. The book will be published with Edward Elgar this year, hopefully
Lots of information on the topic, here are a few leads to follow:
Anechiarico, F. (1996). The pursuit of absolute integrity: How corruption control makes government ineffective. University of Chicago Press.
Bardhan, P. (2006). The economist’s approach to the problem of corruption. World Development, 34(2), 341-348.
Bardhan, P., & Mookherjee, D. (2006). Decentralization, corruption and government accountability. International handbook on the economics of corruption, 6, 161-188.
Fisman, R., & Gatti, R. (2002). Decentralization and corruption: evidence across countries. Journal of Public Economics, 83(3), 325-345.
Graf Lambsdorff, J. (2005). Consequences and causes of corruption: What do we know from a cross-section of countries? (Vol. 34, No. 05). Passauer Diskussionspapiere: Volkswirtschaftliche Reihe.
Henderson, J. V., & Kuncoro, A. (2006). Sick of Local Government Corruption? Vote Islamic (No. w12110). National Bureau of Economic Research.
Lazar, S. (2005). 11 CITIZENS DESPITE THE STATE: EVERYDAY CORRUPTION AND LOCAL POLITICS IN EL ALTO, BOLIVIA. Corruption: anthropological perspectives, 212.
Reinikka, R., & Svensson, J. (2005). Fighting corruption to improve schooling: Evidence from a newspaper campaign in Uganda. Journal of the European Economic Association, 3(2‐3), 259-267.
Treisman, D. (2000). The causes of corruption: a cross-national study. Journal of public economics, 76(3), 399-457.
Treisman, D. (2007). What have we learned about the causes of corruption from ten years of cross-national empirical research?. Annu. Rev. Polit. Sci., 10, 211-244.
Shah, Anwar (2014). Decentralized Provision of Public Infrastructure and Corruption. International C entre for Public Policy, Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, Georgia Sttae University, Working Paper 14-18, January 2014
Ivanyna, Maksym and Anwar Shah (2011)"Decentralization and corruption: new cross-country evidence" Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 2011, 29(2) 344 – 362
Ivanyna, Maksym and Anwar Shah (2010). Decentralization (localization) and Corruption: New Cross-Country Evidence. Policy Research Working paper Series no. 5299, World Bank, Washington, DC.
Shah, Anwar (2006), Decentralized Governance and Corruption. In Handbook of Fiscal Federalism, edited by E. Ahmad and G. Brosio, 2006, Chapter 19:478-498. Cheltenham:Edward Elgar
Я занимаюсь проблемами противодействия коррупции в органах местного, но все мои работы только на русском языке. Часть из них находится в данной библиотеке.