Numerous algorithms are available. Most use either the SF12 or the SF6 subset of the SF36 questions. I prefer the SF12 version to the SF6 or SF36 for the purpose of utility scoring. For a review of most of the algorithms, see my article Quality of Life Loss of People Admitted to Burn Centers, United States, T Miller, S Bhattacharya, W Zamula, D Lezotte, K Kowalske,D Herndon, J Fauerbach, L Engrav, Quality of Life Research, 22:9, 2293-2305, 2013. Our empirical tests suggest the best utility scorings are Sengupta’s HUI-Based Scoring by Scale Point and possibly Lawrence’s scoring by SF36 domain score. In sensitivity analysis, you may also want to consider using SF12 to estimate the EQ5d (using the Gray algorithm or another one that published a couple years ago), then applying the Badia EQ5d scoring which is specific to Spain.