An alternative wihch can be dissolved easily in order (with citrus oil our other safety product) to study trapped insects in the lab. I'm looking for a product which can be brushed on plastic.Thanks.
I don't know of an alternative, but it may be worth posting a question on listserves, like ECOLog, and asking if anyone has some that you could replace later. Also, if you have some and you need to spread it as thin as possible, I found you could spread the stuff on screening material (the same kind used for window screens) and you didn't need as much as when you coated plastic. If the insects are small enough, the thin layer on the screening may be sufficient to trap them (and you don't need as much citrus oil to remove them/clean them off). Good luck!
In the past we've used materials from Oecos for similar purposes: they make Oecotak glue, or sticky treated plastic sheets which are similar to Tangle Trap. You might need to check with them how easily it can be dissolved off though.
We use a product called TacGel which is made by Rentokil. This product can be dissolved easily using baby oil. We use it as a barrier for our captive ant colonies over here in Far Northern Queensland.
We keep captive colonies of pest ants in quarantine. TacGel helps stop the ants escaping. We also use it in outdoor traps to capture target ants for presence/absence surveillance. We pick up many other insects such as flies, beetles and acari.
Great to read this thread! Did you Julien Raitif or anybody else find a valuable alternative? I am also looking for odourless and colorless alternatives for Tanglefoot, and as far as I saw the green can of Tanglefoot glue is liquid (easy to apply), but not made of organic compounds and smelling quite strong, whereas their tubs contain brownish and more solid glue that are made of resin, but don't smell strong. Any recommendations? I've checked all the previous, but was curious if in the meantime somebody has found some other, worthwhile alternatives. Thanks!