I have few suggestion to validate for teacher creativity. Now the teaching is the most important job in the world means they are training the next generation.
So i think that mental activity can be measured by using an external device that would be better always. There are such instruments are available in the market to know about this just search OpenBCI
Thanks Krishnan for your suggestion. I'll notice maybe for a next project. Unfortunately I don't have the fundings for such instruments (they also imply in my working environment some validation from the ethics commity). When I posted this question I thought about a more "low cost" test, like paper-pencil (that I could adapt in a computer version / maybe already existing in computer version).
I aim to examine if "creative" or "deshinibated" teachers tend to choose another classroom teaching alternative when the planned teaching faces a "problem". For example initial plan is to let the students discover the content and to learn it in groups, teacher walking in the class giving cues when needed, asking questions to the groups when needed, etc. But during this walking the teachers notice that the major part of the groups are on a wrong understanding of the content (=problem). What should he do ? changing plan or not ? Different alternatives exist among which = postponing (stopping the discovery and teaching another content), taking the hand (stopping the discovery and teaching him(her)self to the whole class in a lecture manner - students then apply individualy the teached content), explaining some important elements to the class then asking the groups to continue the discovery in addition maybe letting the students of the different groups shortly interacting together about the content when needed and keeping the observation-cues walk... I want to explore if creativity or (des)hinibition plays a role here.