There one can find what can be done about bullying at the peer level which is probably the most effective kind of prevention. The Bullying Beliefs Questionnaire consists of 7 short questions children may answer in the affirmative, negative, or circumstantial permissible responses. Children can be very cruel, but when faced with social contracts or moral choices that impinge upon who an individual believes his/her self to be, the need to belong usually drives the actor to identify as a protector rather than a perpetrator.
Poteat & Espelage reported cronbach's alpha = .85 for the two factors (being a bully or being a victim) explored by Homophobic Content Agent Target scale (HCAT). This scale is completely focused on bullying concerning homophobic content and convergent validity with scales measuring bullying, fighting, anxiety, etc. You may be interested in take a look to the attached publication.
Kind regards,
Article Exploring the Relation Between Bullying and Homophobic Verba...