I am trying to sterilise high molecular weight polyethylene oxide (~400,000 Da) in DMEM for culturing bmMSCs. I have done online search for relevant information, but most studies were using PEG less than 4000Da. I am comparing the effect of polyethylene oxide at 400,000 Da, with another substance of similar molecular weight, in mimicking tissue microenvironment to promote extracellular matrix deposition.

I run into problem of sterilising the solution. I am currently trying to prepare a maximum concentration of 25mg/ml. I have tried filtering with 0.22um and 0.45um filters, but it does not work.

Data sheet of PEG 8000 from Sigma indicated that solution can be prepared with 0.45um filters, but it was not stated at what concentration, and the molecular weight is different after all. I was not able to filter with 0.45um filters anyway. It also indicate that autoclaving is not recommended, even mentioning that while many people do it, they do not recommend it.

Then I was thinking of sterilisation under UV, but I also read that prolong UV exposure (1 hour) can resulting in degradation. However, again these studies were done with PEG of a different molecular weight.

I am wondering if anyone have experience or suggestion on how I can sterilise the substance. Any opinion will be greatly appreciated.

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