I'm searching for a real time PCR system for the specific detection of insects in food. It should not crossreact with fungi. Has somebody experience with such a system ?
Not really my field, but the CO1 gene is the universally accepted phylogenetic marker for bar-coding lower eukaryotes (vertebrates and invertebrates), but does not pick up fungi.
Right: mitochondrial conserved genes such as COX1 (Cytochrome C oxydase)
Go to http://www.boldsystems.org/index.php/Public_Primer_PrimerSearch
and have yourself.
Have a look at:
Ji, Y.-J., D.-X. Zhang, and L.-J. He. 2003. Evolutionary conservation and versatility of a new set of primers for amplifying the ribosomal internal transcribed spacer regions in insects and other invertebrates. Molecular Ecology Notes 3:581-585.